You love your lawn. So do we.
That’s why you can turn to Eco Friendly Lawn Care to care for your lawn if you don’t have the time to give it the attention it needs.
Proud Minnesota natives and residents, we serve both residential and commercial properties across the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. We serve you with professionalism and respect as we care for your lawn with an environmentally friendly, reliable, responsive approach.

Feel great about your lawn and its care.
Eco Friendly Lawn Care treats both you and your lawn with care and respect. Our team is responsive, reliable, friendly … in short, professional. We appreciate your business, value the beauty of our region, and work hard to maintain and protect it. Learn more about our approach.
In Spring of 2022, Eco Friendly Lawn Care received the Green Business Award, recognizing that Eco Friendly Lawn Care scored 100% or higher on the application assessment, meaning we have gone above and beyond our simple standards for being a green, sustainable, and resilient business.